
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sitting Still....

Last night, I told Matthew that he needed a hair cut. Since I am the only one who cuts Matthew's hair, he knows the rules... sit still.

As an example to all of those children who choose to cry, complain and fuss about getting a hair cut, this is what the end result is:

Just kidding. He actually wanted it like this. Said he wanted to be like his Uncle John. I told him that if this was the way he wanted it done, he could probably cut it himself. LOL

Happy Thursday everyone!


  • At 14 June, 2007 16:21, Blogger cheryl said…

    Let him know his head will sunburn. He should have used a number 2. I'm guessing this will be much cooler for the summer months

  • At 16 June, 2007 20:21, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Count me in for that look.


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